#pgr vanessa
yashiro-00 · 1 year
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Commandant Vanessa
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halleyk7 · 2 years
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I’ve been uploading most of my PGR content on Twitter and the Punishing: Gray Raven Reddit community first, but I also know there’s a small community here too, so I hope you enjoy these little comics.
Sad thing is...Qu is still my weakest transcendent, both Selena and Camu are carrying her.
One day, I will do a proper reference sheet for my Commandant, Kero. One day...
I love the Eden Festival and it’s a ton of fun but... ¬_¬
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elizkras · 1 year
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buryam-soul · 23 days
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daily-liv · 5 months
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Day 15 — Liv is looking pretty as always :) (Also, the tag for the close up character mayyyy be wrong since the person who told me it said maybe…)
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fenrhi · 10 months
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This is how Bambi reacts when you pokes her head…
Teasell, you moron, you should have finished the damn job properly…
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coconox · 10 months
just a "small" post with information about skk!coco. appearance can be seen here. if they're not isekai'ed into whatever hyperfixation i'm in atm, my description of them is normally "they're just some guy" 💀💀 since they are kind of a self-insert to fulfill my down horrendous thoughts. anyways, i got bored and made lore for them if they were in pgr lol
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when coco joined cerberus, vera felt a bit skeptical since they were always quiet and seemed like they were out of the loop with what goes on with the squad
eventually she did catch on that they do pay attention, they just don't like saying anything lol (and vera does tease them about that)
if coco isn't in their office, they'll usually be in the library to avoid any loud distractions (nocti and 21 fighting). they ended up meeting simon and noan there and they all get along pretty well
most of the time coco is doing paperwork. it normally ends up being about some complaint in regards to nocti and whatever compensation is given has to be a big one since nocti is that much of a troublemaker
coco can fight, was kinda forced to learn being in f.o.s and all, but it really isn't necessary since the constructs in the squad get a little too excited over fighting anything and everything
the forced collaboration in new oakley was what made nocti see what coco is really like, in which he falls in love with them (without giving too big of spoilers about sands of wrath, it's very skk x nocti heavy)
there were a few missions where nocti had to be put on a leash by coco, just to forcibly drag him back to babylonia
coco spoils the squad a lot, maybe even too much, but they don't really know how else to express their gratitude for being on the team
most people don't really understand why they chose to be in cerberus. due to their quiet nature, everyone could see them be in any squad but cerberus, which led to rumors of coco being forced into cerberus rather than them choosing to be in the squad themself
that is until one group of people confronted them about it. trying to force an answer out of coco spiraled into the group slandering the squad of how terrifying they are and that they shouldn't even be in a team together
hearing those words made coco snap, becoming a physical threat paired with the insane look in their eyes that overpowers vera's, 21's, and nocti's combined. instantly the group caught on why they're in cerberus, and left the scene immediately. little did everyone know vera was in the background witnessing the whole thing, maybe even gaining a little more respect towards her commandant
coco has never that big into events happening around babylonia, so they often just hear what happened through vera or a very hungover nocti
they are acquaitances with harley jo and gr skk, besties with simon, and hate vanessa
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blitzyn · 8 months
don't worry
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gray raven x gn!reader
request: can i request a found family comfort for the grey raven trio where reader/their newly assigned commandant is practically a kid—basically regarded as a 'prodigy' (not really reader was just raised specifically to be a commandant). at first reader seems almost disturbingly professional & rational to a fault, but then one day before a mission they found reader crying because reader was afraid & they were like. "nah man we're giving you a happy childhood" and discovers reader has horrible self-esteem issues. constantly blame themselves for stuff going wrong sometimes even if it clearly wasn't their fault. BASICALLY GREY RAVEN TRIO AS READER'S OLDER SIBLING FIGURES, TAKES CARE OF THEM, HELP THEM THROUGH THEIR ISSUES & TRY TO MAKE HAPPY MEMORIES W THE READER. ty & sorry for the long req oml 😭 — ⚖️
a/n -> YES ABSOLUTELY. Oh my god I’ve been aching and itching and desperate to write something for pgr after hyperreal came out on global I LOVE YOU. Slight spoilers about about the battle in kowloong but my memory of its kinda fuzzy sorry. also this is pre empyrea and hyperreal. NEWAYS darker fics coming up soon dw whoever sees this
wc -> 2.3k
cw -> a bit of self doubt from reader but nothing too heavy
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Nearly everyone in Babylonia knew that you were, unarguably, one of the best commandants of their time. You were rational, effective, strong, and intelligent—everything needed in a leader. At a very early age, you could even be considered on par with the Egret commandant, Vanessa.
It was like a breath of fresh air for Lee, Liv, and Lucia, too. Their previous commandant had been one incompetent mess, to put it kindly. They were hardly able to submit their paperwork on time and often made one too many mistakes down on the surface, which inevitably led to their discharge.
You, however, were better in so many ways. You could keep up with the stacks of paper (which, honestly, the three thought was a bit much for a human), maintain a rational mind under pressure, and even utilize the potential they had during battle. Their growth had been evident to them and to many others, which is why when Liv hears you sobbing in your office, she isn’t sure what to do.
She’s well versed in the many different ways to console a crying child given her previous profession as a nurse, but she wasn’t sure how to apply her abilities to you. She readjusts her audio module after having increased it when she heard the faintest sound of a cry, quietly making her way towards the door that led to your office. She stopped in front it, a frown making its way on her face. She wasn’t sure how to handle this, but she knew she had to try.
“Commandant?” She softly knocked on the firm wooden door, listening intently to the sudden gasp that came from your lips and the urgent rustling of paper. “Are you okay?”
There was a pause, likely to recollect yourself and steel your voice. “Yes, Liv.” But she could hear it all—the shakiness, the faint sniffle, your raw voice. Although, there was one that deeply concerned her. She could hear the fear in your tone. Fear of what? She had only ever known you to be strong and brave; though, everyone had their breaking point.
She pursed her lips, tracing mindless patterns on the door before gathering the courage to speak again. “May I come inside? I would appreciate it if… if you could tell me why you’re so upset.”
“I’m not upset,” you countered quickly, even when you knew it wasn’t convincing for either of you.
“Please, commandant…” she pleaded, furrowing her eyebrows worriedly. She wasn’t about to leave you here when she knows she can do something about your tears. “I know you may not be comfortable sharing how you feel, but I would like you to trust me when I say that bottling up your emotions will only serve to hurt you. I know this, now. You taught me the importance of trusting one another, so, please, commandant. Can you trust me?”
There was a moment of silence before you shuffled over to open the door. Your eyes were rimmed red and you kept sniffling every so often, but Liv didn’t watch you with pity nor disdain. Her expression was free of judgement, and you seemed to recognize it when you relaxed the slightest bit.
“If you’re comfortable, could you tell me what’s bothering you?” She questioned softly, watching out for any signs of discomfort.
You pursed your lips, absentmindedly tapping a tune on the doorframe. It wasn’t that you wanted to shut your teammates out, you just couldn’t help but believe that you weren’t allowed to talk about your emotions ever since you began training to become a commandant when you were young. That was one of the main things your parents drilled into you: leading an elite squad had no time for how you felt.
So, you could only offer Liv a noncommittal shrug, slightly surprising her. She’s always known you to be decisive and often strayed away from gestures like that.
“It’s… what if… I’m just worried about tomorrow,” you finally admitted, averting your gaze. You fidgeted a little under your construct’s gaze, even if it was comforting. “What if something goes wrong, and I can’t do anything to fix it? Like… like last time, when Lucia had to switch to her Plume frame after Kowloong.”
A look of understanding crossed Liv’s face. You were afraid of not being enough. Of thinking that you could’ve done something better. She knew she was like that, and so was everyone else, most likely.
“I understand,” she said, noticing the way you perked up at her words. “I also have had countless experiences thinking that I could’ve done more, or that I should’ve done something different. But I would like you to acknowledge that what Lucia did in Kowloong was not your fault. She did what she had to as a soldier and our captain.”
You shook your head, looking down at your gloved hand. Underneath the fabric rests a scar that cuts horizontally along your palm. “But you’re a construct, Liv. It’s easy to say that since you’re so much stronger than I am. What if I’m just weak? What if you and the others are just slowing down to match my pace?”
Liv furrowed her brows, opening her mouth to retort when another voice beat her to it.
“We were humans, too, you know,” the voice said, and instantly you recognized it to be Lee’s. The two of you watched as he and Lucia made their way in the lounge.
“Yes, commandant,” Lucia nodded in agreement, quickly finding her place beside Liv.
You cringed a little, suddenly finding all the attention embarrassing. “How much did you hear?”
“Enough to figure out what was going on,” Lee replied nonchalantly, but with the way he always bore a flat expression, it was hard to tell if he was secretly scrutinizing you or not. “There’s nothing to worry about tomorrow. It’s just standard procedure.”
You frowned at his words, beginning to wonder if you were just overthinking it all again. Lucia seemed to notice as she watched you closely. Nothing seemed to go past her eyes. “Is there something else that’s bothering you, commandant?”
“I’m just worried, I guess,” you tried to shrug it off, fighting off the growing urge to fidget. There was a beat of silence before Lucia spoke up with an eager smile on her face.
"Then, why don't we go out for a while?" She suggested, taking a peek over your shoulder towards the pile of paperwork still stationed on your desk. "It's been a while since all four of us got to hang out together."
"Yes, that's a great idea," Liv visibly brightened, glancing at her friend before returning her gaze back to you. "What do you say, commandant?"
This was the first time in a while you were unable to produce a decision on the spot. But as your eyes flitted onto the expectant expressions of your companions (minus Lee, of course), you could feel yourself gradually being swayed by Lucia's words.
"Uh... Sure. We can go out for a while," you finally relented, earning bright smiles from the two girls before they led you out of the Gray Raven lounge and through the winding corridors that led outside the building. You noticed a few lingering gazes upon you when you walked past, pursing your lips when you saw theirs move in unintelligible whispers.
"They're jealous of how you're younger than them but capable of achieving more," Lee suddenly said from beside you, not bothering to bat an eye when you looked at him. You opened your mouth to reply when he ultimately beat you to it. "No, I'm not saying it just because."
You nodded slowly, unable to fight the faint smile creeping on your face. It made you feel a foreign yet welcoming warmth knowing that he wasn't normally the type to do such a thing like raise his audio modules just to eavesdrop, and yet he did it anyway. He quickly noticed your smile as a blush colored his pale cheeks pink, so you mercifully looked away before he could start complaining about his heat dispersal system "malfunctioning" again.
You winced when you finally made your way out of the building, the artificial lights mimicking daytime on Earth briefly blinding you. You don't remember the last time you went outside just for a leisurely stroll, honestly. Sure, you've been out to visit the gun range or when you needed to depart for a mission, but never really taken in the sights since you were young.
"Where should we go first?" Liv questioned, humming a gentle tune as she looked around for something to do. Everything in Babylonia was limited due to its launch as an incomplete colony ship during the Golden Age, so there weren't any things like public aquariums or gardens. Many plants were used for study in laboratories and preservation just in case they could be replanted on Earth again.
"Why don't we get ice cream? I remember seeing a stand not too long ago," Lucia suggested, glancing at her teammates for approval. You felt a little strange going to an ice cream stand as a grown person who trained all their life to be a soldier, but you couldn't resist upon seeing the expectant gazes of your fellow comrades.
"Uh, sure. That sounds nice," you agreed, albeit a little awkwardly.
"Oh, but commandant," Liv began worriedly as she quickly looked you up and down. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary—you appeared just as put together as always. But now that she knows more of you, she can't help but fuss over your well-being. "I don't remember the last time you ate or what it was. Maybe you should eat something first?"
You gave a nonchalant wave of your hand in dismissal, wordlessly urging her to not worry so much. Not that it'd ever work. "It's okay, Liv. I ate today. There's nothing to be concerned about."
She studied you for a moment longer before letting it go with a defeated sigh. But she wasn't genuinely upset now that she was able to see you in a way that didn't involve violence or dire situations. Continuing on, you could see the stand growing closer, noticing a few other people surrounding it. They were mostly children, with only a few parents watching over them.
Suddenly, one of them seemed to recognize who you were and came running in your direction with a wide grin. She was a little girl who couldn't have been older than ten, with messy, brown hair pulled into two droopy pigtails. "You're that person! The hero!" She cheered, nearly barreling straight into your legs. You steadied her with a firm hand, surprised when she abruptly raised her arm to request an autograph.
"Please?! You're so cool going wham! and bang! against all those bad guys on the surface! I wanna be just like you when I grow up!" She spoke so fast it was nearly impossible to keep up, but you made an effort to nod along with her words. "Super awesome and brave!"
"You haven't even..." You trailed off, wondering what she was told to believe that was solely what you did. Sure, there were a lot of Corrupted lingering around that you and your team disposed of, but there were others who did the exact same thing you did. But seeing this girl's excited grin and awestruck eyes stopped you from finishing your sentence. "Thanks, kid. It means a lot knowing that someone like you looks up to me."
You looked around for something to write with when Liv offered you a pen. You took it with a grateful nod before grabbing a spare paper from your pocket, not wanting to anger her parents by writing on her skin. She squealed and waved the paper around like a flag, staring at it like it was the greatest thing in the world. She repeated several thank you's before running off to her parents, leaving you back to your own devices.
You chuckled lightly, watching her before looking back at Liv. Your eyes widened in surprise when you turned a few times as you realized that Lucia and Lee weren't near you.
"Here, commandant!" Lucia said not a moment later, suddenly appearing behind you. She had an ice cream cone in her hand, holding it out to you. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that it was your favorite flavor. You carefully took it, giving curious glances towards the three.
"Oh, Lee picked out the flavor," Lucia informed, oblivious to the way the man tensed when his name was mentioned. "He noticed you had an interest in flavors similar to it.''
Lee's eyebrows furrowed as his lips dipped downwards into a frown, but there was no mistaking the embarrassed blush coating his cheeks once again. "There's nothing wrong with knowing my commandant's habits for optimal results and future developments."
Liv giggled quietly beneath her hand but decided not to comment on it.
"I hope you like it, commandant," Lucia continued on, eager to know your opinion on the treat.
"He'd be right," you said as you offered her a brief, grateful smile before beginning to eat your ice cream. "And, by the way, you can... you can call me by my name. If you want."
Lucia brightened, walking by your side as you all walked around aimlessly. "[Name]. [Name]! [Name]... [Name]," she repeated in various different tones, trying out how it'd feel to have your name on her tongue.
This time, it was your turn to turn away in embarrassment, futilely trying to hide behind your ice cream. "Don't wear it down all in one day."
"It's a very nice name," Liv laughed lightly at her friend's antics, taking part in teasing you just this once. Although, as she watched you, she couldn’t help but sadden just the slightest bit. Your features hadn’t yet fully matured, resembling that of a teenager just recently entering adulthood. She disliked how someone so young had to be forced into a world such as this, but all she could do was fight and hope that none others would be subject to the same fate in the future.
You just shook your head in exasperation, leisurely strolling forward. Being around your teammates—rather, your friends—like this sent a warmth through your body that only served to rekindle your determination to succeed on days like tomorrow just to have more times like these. It was a comforting feeling. But you could only hope that fate would be kind.
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murasakinokuukyo · 9 months
Siblings in PGR just pull my heartstrings.
Luna desiring to create a perfect world for her and Lucia/Alpha because she wants to repay her big sis for looking after her since they were kids. The interactions between Alpha and Luna, and Lucia still wanting to protect Luna even though they're enemies.
Lee becoming a Construct to get Murray the transplant he needs. Lee thinking about him and Murray when he sees a pair of siblings in Spiral of Chronos.
Heck, even Camu feels like an older brother to Kamui, he's just tsundere about it. Kamui is the optimistic himbo we know because Camu requested it. He wanted Kamui to be happy in the world they live in. Grand Blue cemented my opinion of them being like brothers.
I almost forgot about Bambinata and Vanessa. That chapter was so heartwarming and redeemed Vanessa for me. Bambinata finally making her choice to tell Vanessa what she's been wanting to say was one of the most satisfying parts of Left Unsaid.
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toastthewolfie · 1 year
game screenshots (PGR, chapter 20)
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Lee please for the love of god, stop listening to the voices in your head-
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….poor Yarha😭😭😭😭😭
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yashiro-00 · 1 year
Vanessa ♪⁠ヽ⁠(⁠・⁠ˇ⁠∀⁠ˇ⁠・⁠ゞ⁠)
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Feel free to color it if you want (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
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dawn-of-tomorrow · 3 years
link to OG post here! (made by @punishing-gray-raven-ocs)
1) How do you feel about being a Commandant? Are you proud of your job? Terrified of failing at your job?
Higetsu: Honestly speaking, it's nothing new compared to what I went through in the past-- just that now I've become an authority figure that has to lead people. ...Truthfully, however, a little unnerving, but it has to be done, and I knew what I was getting into when I decided to become one.
Yoko: Mhhmm... it's tough, I'm not gonna lie. Sometimes I have to make decisions I personally don't like but the situation demands it, and it ends up not sitting right with me. ...That's why an occasional loophole exploitation here and there is fine in spare amounts, ain't it~?
(Higetsu: Who the hell taught you to think like that-- you know what, never mind, I'd be shooting myself in the foot if I finished that sentence. // Yoko: *giggles, does a victory pose*)
2) Why did you become Commandant in the first place? How did you become a Commandant?
Yoko: Brother and I decided to become a Commandant to honor mom's memory. It sounds kinda childish to have that as a reason to take up a career as dangerous as this, but, at least to me (though I'm sure brother shares the same sentiment as I do), mom was everything to us, so we wanted to experience what she did, see the sights she did-- all the good and bad.
Higetsu: "That person", huh... Speaking of which, the relatively-fresh flowers at that grave--... No, it's nothing. In any case, "that person" took us in as her children after finding us in the remnants of our old home, bringing us back to Babylonia, to her home and husband. Well, things went as you can see, no?
3) How do your Constructs feel about your leadership skills? Are they comfortable with you? Do they fear you?
Higetsu: There's no issues at the moment with either Strike Hawk or Gray Raven. After all, if there was any problem, either Chrome or Lucia would've told me. ...Leading isn't my strongest skill, though, and sometimes they worry me. Actually, scratch that, not sometimes, FREQUENTLY. Haaaahh.
Yoko: Hrmm~... honestly, I'm not entirely too confident with my leadership skills, and the others often say that I'm a bit too lenient when it comes to dealing with Gray Raven, but... they're still people, you know? I don't want them to get hurt too much, but they don't seem to value their own lives as much as I'd wish they do...
4) Do you think the war against the Corrupted will ever come to an end?
Yoko: It will certainly come, I know it. As long as everyone continues to fight for a future, a future where we can all live in peace, then I believe that this war will come to an end. Be it in our lifetime, or the next generation.
Higetsu: ... Honestly speaking, I'm not as optimistic as Yoko. This war has been going on for a century at this point, and we are still barely scratching the surface of our objectives; that and it would seem like a bunch of rats managed to infiltrate the higher-ups. ...In any case, while I do think that the odds are stacked against us, it doesn't mean I don't believe that, one day, this entire hell will come to an end.
5) Are you in love with anyone? What drew you to them?
Higetsu: ....No comment.
Yoko: Brother~~!! It's no fun if you don't answer a harmless question like this~~!! Or do you want me to talk about your ex-penpal--
Higetsu: I evoke my right to remain silent, and DON'T YOU DARE- LIKE I KEEP SAYING, WE WERE ONLY FRIENDS-- Don't make me not let you come to the Oasis with me next time.
Yoko: Hrrmph...! Fiiine~. In any case, I'll answer here right now. I--
Higetsu: It's Lee. We all know it, you're way too obvious in your affections for him.
Yoko: Ehehe... E-Ehem--! I-In any case~~ the things I like about Lee, gosh, there's so many I might not be able to tell everything (and it would take too long)--!
Higetsu: Then just list off the top 3 things you like about him (to shorten the exposition).
Yoko: Hmmm, top 3 things about Lee, huh.... well, for starters, I like his caring nature; it's not that obvious at first glance, but he really does care about the people around him, so much so that while he may gripe and verbally snark at others, in the end he chooses to do good by them and will protect them. Secondly, I like his focus and determination; he's a man of his word, and he doesn't make promises lightly, seeing them as something that must be upheld in sincerity-- ehe, his face whenever he's working on his tools and machinery is something I can't ever not look at. Thirdly, I like him; he's equally easily flustered and annoyed by a lot of things, but at the same time, he's also very serious and earnest in what he sets out to do; he's not honest with himself, but his actions speak for itself. ....That got long, didn't it?
Higetsu: Very much so.
Yoko: Ehe~.
6) If you had to choose between saving your squad, or saving yourself to make sure you would fight on in their honor, which would you choose?
Yoko: Both. I would save myself and my squad. I won't accept any other option; rather, if there's no other option, then I WILL force that third option in!
Higetsu: Logically speaking, both of my squads would tell me to survive and live another day, and I would agree with that. ...However, such a thing doesn't sit well with me. Even if there's only the tiniest sliver of a possibility that I could save them, no matter how reckless or dangerous it may be, then I'd save the Strike Hawks and Gray Ravens.
7) You have to make a difficult choice that will affect your squad and another squad. Which squad do you prioritize? Why?
Higetsu: We can't always save people from out of our reach, so it's best to protect the ones closest to you.
Yoko: But if there's a chance that we could help them, then--
Higetsu: ...I know. ...In the end, it's your choice to do what you think is right, Yoko.
Yoko: ...Yeah. I get it. Brother wants to protect me, Gray Raven, and Strike Hawk, even at the cost of other's lives.... that's why I wish to save the others too.
8) Who is your least favorite Construct/person to be around? Why?
Higetsu: Nanami.
Yoko: EEEHHH!??! Why?! Nanami's fun to be around!!
Higetsu: Shall I list off the reasons?
Yoko: ....Ok you have a point, but she's not at all that bad--!!
Higetsu: True, but the amount of headaches she causes us is just... haaaah.
Yoko: Ah, you're starting to sound like Watanabe. Is Brother becoming an uncle now? (laughs)
Higetsu: ...I'm leaving.
Yoko: Wait I was just kidding-- brother-- BROTHER--!!! (We're not even finished with answering the questions yet~!!)
Higetsu: Just kidding.
Yoko: Really--!! (pout)
Higetsu: (amused chuckle) What about you, Yoko?
Yoko: Eh? Me? Hmm.... I suppose... it would have to be Gabriel. It's a first that I'm saying this but, I really do hate him.
Higetsu: ... Don't worry, I can say the same thing.
9) What other Commandants would you like to meet? (a clear invitation for you to involve any of my Commandants lol, because I'm always up for interacting with others)
Yoko: I'm always happy to meet other Commandants~. It's always nice to meet your colleagues whenever, especially during off-work hours.
Higetsu: Except Vanessa though. I'd rather not deal with her again.
Yoko: Ehehe... Brother, you're making a scary face right now~. In any case, I've always wanted to meet Qiu, Ash, Xiao, Kyrie, and Noir!
Higetsu: Aaaah, them. They're interesting people, not gonna lie.
10) What will you do once the war is over? Will you miss leading your squad, or will you be happy that the war is over?
Higetsu: What will I do after the war is over? ...I haven't actually put any thought into what I would do after this is all over. What about you, Yoko?
Yoko: Hmmm... honestly, I wanna join the Association of Arts, specifically the Archaeological team! Because, you know, by then, there would be no more worry of the Punishing attacking, and we could finally be able to recover in peace the remnants of the Golden Age. I want to see it all-- what other stuff left have we not unearthed from the sands of time, what potential wonders are there left from the past. ...And of course, I wanna settle down with Lee someday too, ehe.
Higetsu: I see. You've really thought about this through, huh.
Yoko: Only a little, and just fairly recently. ...Not gonna lie, I'm gonna end up missing these days; where we're all together, even through pain and suffering, because there are still a lot of good moments to cherish.
Higetsu: But it doesn't mean that you have to cut off your connections, now does it. So long as you still value them wholeheartedly and sincerely, those bonds you hold close to you will never die out.
Yoko: Aaawww, brother, you're being finally honest~! (pokes)
Higetsu: ....Shut it. (pout)
Yoko: What about you, brother? What're you gonna do after the war ends?
Higetsu: Like I said, I don't know, since I haven't thought of it yet. ...But, I suppose quietly settling down somewhere would be nice.
Yoko: Oh, right, speaking of which-- didn't Watanabe extend an offer for us to join the Oasis? ...Don't tell me, brother is thinking--
Higetsu: No, I am not.
Yoko: But you ARE thinking about it, yes?
Higetsu: ....
Yoko: Hehe~. To be fair, the Oasis isn't so bad. The people there are really nice and warm. They really do seem to be people just trying to live and get by, helping and supporting each other.
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crisbenevides · 6 years
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‘Ela’ e Braga são denunciados ao STF por R$ 2,3 milhões da Odebrecht
A procuradora-geral da República (PGR), Raquel Dodge, apresentou ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) hoje, dia 1º, denúncia contra o senador Eduardo Braga, do MDB, e a ex-senadora Vanessa Grazziotin (PCdoB), ambos do Amazonas, por crime eleitoral.
Braga e Vanessa são acusados de prestar falsa declaração à Justiça Eleitoral de R$ 2,35 milhões recebidos da empreiteira Odebrecht, via empresa Praiamar, nas eleições municipais de 2012. https://bncamazonas.com.br/poder/ela-da-odebrecht-braga-stf/
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fenrhi · 9 months
Finished Bambi’s quest and I think I dislike Vanessa a little less. Maybe.
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also why is Egret still considered an elite squad when every Construct has either left or died and Vanessa is infamous for mistreating Constructs. Is Bambi carrying the entire weight of Egret’s ‘prestige’ (eew) on her frail doll shoulders or what
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luismurat · 6 years
Meditando en el Misión de los Ángeles
A finales de abril de 1988 concluían ocho meses de la campaña electoral de Carlos Salinas de Gortari. Durante su recorrido por el país, había aceptado el compromiso de respetar los resultados electorales, y de triunfar en la elección, “promovería una nueva cultura política basada en el pluralismo”.
En tanto realizaba una corta gira por Oaxaca, se hospedo en el Hotel Misión de Los Angeles, al igual que Enrique González Pedrero, a quien ya mencionaban como futuro Secretario de Gobernación, o de  Educación Pública. Sin embargo, su destino fue la Embajada de México en España como resultado de haber sido desplazado del primer circulo salinista.
Otto Granados Roldán, hoy Secretario de Educación Pública y José Antonio Álvarez Lima, quien aspira a una candidatura de Morena para llegar al Senado; se alojaron en el mismo Hotel Misión de los Ángeles.
La anécdota dice que, en tanto el futuro embajador en España desayunaba con un amigo en el restaurante del hotel haciendo tiempo para que el candidato apareciera y se iniciaran los trabajos del día, a lo lejos, en los jardines del bello hotel oaxaqueño, se alcanzaba a mirar a un Salinas aislado, sin nadie que lo acompañara o se le acercara. Se le veía pensativo, incluso preocupado, toda vez que la campaña en Oaxaca no había sido lo que él esperaba, a pesar de que el gobernador, Heladio Ramirez López, era amigo y leal militante del partido gobernante.
Salinas había sentido el descontento popular, se había asomado a la marginación, a la pobreza extrema, a la ignorancia toda, a la violencia que le confirmó un dirigente de su partido: “Aquí se matan”. “Sacan el machete y pelean hasta matarse”.
Tal vez en eso meditaba Salinas, pues tal situación estaba siendo aprovechada por sus rivales que no eran precisamente políticos débiles. Se trataba de personajes con enorme arraigo y amplio empuje popular como — Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, por el Frente Democrático Nacional (Centro-izquierda), y Manuel Clouthier, por el Partido Acción Nacional (poderoso adversario de auténtica derecha), políticos los dos, que con éxito capitalizaban las crudas realidades de pobreza, marginación y discriminación contra las comunidades indigenas que Salinas había visto a lo largo de su campaña electoral y que  Oaxaca lo confirmaba a plenitud, motivo suficiente para preocuparse en serio, pues la elección peligraba y el riesgo de perderla era muy alto, a pesar de que el PRI continuaba siendo la máquina que, a su paso, todo aplastaba. Era invencible, representaba todo el poder presidencial; “La dictadura perfecta” como la llamó Vargas Llosa y que tantas criticas le causó. Lo que sucedió después ya lo sabemos.
La anécdota contada viene al caso, porque los recientes movimientos que desde la cúpula del poder se vienen dando, nos recuerdan esa imagen de Salinas en el Misión de los Ángeles, y que en el presente, por momentos, parece repetirse con el candidato oficial.
Y no es para menos, pues los movimientos se han producido en los últimos días no ayudan a la candidatura del ex secretario de Hacienda.
Veamos: La Procuraduría General de la República no ejercerá acción penal contra Duarte por delitos bancarios imputados en 2014, lo que significa que la PGR no continuará con la indagatoria en contra del ex gobernador de Chihuahua acusado de presuntas transferencias de recursos públicos (80 mil millones de pesos) al banco Progreso del que su tesorero fue abogado y accionista.
Lo anterior no implica que César Duarte ya la libró y que está libre de toda culpa. No, todavía tiene una larga lista de averiguaciones y acusaciones en su contra; pero esto no quita que la PGR siente un sospechoso precedente de impunidad que afecta a un candidato que hereda las acciones de un gobierno que termina descalificado.
Hay que agregar la sorda selección que hizo el PRI el pasado domingo de su “parque jurásico”; listado que solo agradó a los elegidos: Ochoa Reza presidente del PRI; Ruben Moreira hermano de ya saben quien; Claudia Ruiz Massieu, secretaria general del PRI y sobrina de Salinas; Carlos Aceves del Olmo líder de la CTM; Vanessa Rubio ex subsecretaria de Hacienda y amiga cercana al candidato; Miguel Angel Osorio Chong ex secretario de Gobernación; Eruviel Avila ex gobernador del Estado de México; Pablo Gamboa, hijo de Emilio Gamboa líder de la bancada del PRI en el Senado; Beatriz Paredes y otros de menor renombre. Estos hombres y mujeres, como lastre lo tendrá que cargar el candidato priista durante su campaña, pues varios de los nominados están ligados a la corrupción y a la impunidad; motivos suficientes para preocuparse y meditar como aquel candidato del año 1988 que, en los bellos jardines del Hotel Misión de los Ángeles, analizaba los retos y riesgos que su candidatura enfrentaba ante dos colosos de la política, Manuel Clouthier y Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas.
Hoy como ayer, el candidato oficial enfrenta a dos poderosos rivales, Ricardo Anaya, que si algo sabe hacer con éxito es la política ganadora, y Andrés López con veinte años de estar “duro y dale haber sí sale”, motivos suficientes como para meditar y analizar.
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lovacedon · 7 years
A trajetória de um ‘bon vivant’
A festa de inauguração de uma concessionária de motos uberabense, em 1984, foi um sucesso. Entre artistas locais e personalidades da região, estavam presentes, ali, os recém-namorados Ricardo Saud, dono da revendedora, e Suzana Maria Rodrigues da Cunha. Ele, de família humilde, pai lanterninha e mãe dona de casa, e ela, filha do respeitado médico e principal liderança política de Uberaba na época, o doutor João Gilberto Rodrigues da Cunha. Não demorou que se casassem, pouco tempo depois da festa, mas o que renderia uma história digna de um romance clichê acabou servindo como roteiro para o envolvimento de Saud no esquema de pagamento de propinas a políticos através da empresa J&F.
Bem apessoado, de boa fala e bajulador, Ricardo Saud, hoje com 55 anos, tinha facilidade na hora de se enturmar com os poderosos do Triângulo Mineiro. Com a ajuda do sogro, dono de hospitais e clínicas privadas na cidade, o empresário conseguiu o título de cônsul do Paraguai em Uberaba. A história é inusitada: o sogro de Saud, João Gilberto Rodrigues da Cunha, era, além de médico, empresário no ramo agropecuário. O sucesso no setor lhe rendeu amizade valorosa com o então ditador do Paraguai, Alfredo Stroessner, entusiasta de zebus e proprietário de terras na região. Daí para o título de cônsul para o genro foi um pulo.
“Ele sempre teve essa facilidade de dizer o que a outra pessoa quer ouvir. Rendia um papo bom, você se tornava amigo rápido. Para agradar, era impecável”, conta um político uberabense que, hoje, se declara ex-aliado de Saud. “Quando era cônsul, fazia promessas absurdas a todos. Que ia trazer produtos baratos, ia arranjar emprego no Paraguai para familiares da pessoa. Ele sempre foi assim”, completa.
Não demorou para, dali, iniciar ele próprio uma carreira na política. Começou com um convite do ex-prefeito de Uberaba Wagner do Nascimento. Atuando no gabinete como assessor de Nascimento, Ricardo Saud auxiliava no relacionamento do Executivo com a Câmara Municipal e empresários da região.
Entre um contato e outro, se tornou íntimo de Marcelo Palmério, dono de empresas de mineração e reflorestamento, além de reitor da Universidade de Uberaba (Uniube). “Aos poucos ele se tornou o homem de confiança do Palmério, que na época já era uma liderança forte por ser rico e sempre financiar políticos. Então, o ‘Ricardinho’, como o chamávamos, cresceu como nunca, com a influência do Palmério”, conta um parlamentar oriundo do Triângulo. “Uberaba é terra de donos”, conclui o político.
Nomeado diretor da Uniube, Saud passou a ser mais poderoso do que nunca. Por indicação de Palmério, foi levado por Raul Belém para atuar no governo estadual de Itamar Franco. Seus inimigos o acusam de ter falsificado um diploma de graduação para assumir o cargo. Saud se formou no ensino superior apenas em 2007, quando concluiu um curso de administração agrária na Uniube.
Segundo Henrique Hargreaves, ex-braço direito de Itamar, quando Saud foi chefe de gabinete de Belém, não era exigido nenhum tipo de graduação para o cargo. “O chefe de gabinete era indicado pelo secretário e o salário era por cargo. Todos que exerciam esse papel recebiam o mesmo salário”, explica Hargreaves.
Depois do governo Itamar, Saud retornou, em 2001, à Uberaba para chefiar e coordenar a campanha de Anderson Adauto à prefeitura. Vitorioso nas urnas, Saud se tornou secretário de Desenvolvimento Econômico. O cargo lhe propiciava o que fazia de melhor: se relacionar com empresários e políticos poderosos.
Aos poucos, Saud se construía politicamente. Controlando vereadores e indicando doações eleitorais, acabou colocado como presidente do PP municipal de Uberaba. O poder político lhe subiu tão alto que, em 2008, às vésperas da eleição municipal, rompeu com o antigo aliado Anderson Adauto. “Ele queria ter mais participação na prefeitura, inclusive tentou ensaiar uma candidatura própria, mas logo foi descartado. Ele sempre se mostrou ambicioso”, conta um político da região.
Após o rompimento, Saud se aliou e coordenou a campanha do tucano Fahim Sawan. Perdeu para o ex-chefe Adauto no primeiro turno. Mas, das relações feitas na secretaria municipal, surgiu nova oportunidade no mundo privado: uma sociedade no agronegócio com a empresa Ourofino, especializada em fertilizantes.
Com ligações importantes no ramo, não demorou para Saud voltar a se destacar. Mantinha boa relação com a bancada ruralista do Congresso e, em especial, com o então presidente da Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab), Wagner Rossi.
Visto. Saud se casou novamente, em maio deste ano, com a paulista Eloá Jacinto. O casamento foi “acelerado” pelo empresário com o intuito de facilitar a obtenção de um visto de entrada nos Estados Unidos.
  Operação Patmos foi o começo do fim
Ricardo Saud foi preso pela primeira vez no dia 18 de maio deste ano, durante deflagração da operação Patmos, da Polícia Federal. Ele foi flagrado pela corporação se encontrando com assessores políticos para entregar repasses de propina do grupo J&F.
Depois de um mês preso, foi enviado à prisão domiciliar até a semana retrasada, quando novas gravações envolvendo ele e Joesley Batista, proprietário da J&F, foram entregues à Procuradoria Geral da República (PGR).
Atualmente, está preso por determinação do ministro Edson Fachin, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), na Penitenciária da Papuda, em Brasília. Ele é suspeito, junto a Joesley Batista, de ter mentido e omitido informações no acordo de delação premiada firmado por ambos com a PGR, que já pediu a rescisão do compromisso.
Inicialmente, a prisão era temporária, mas, na última quinta-feira, a pedido da PGR, Fachin autorizou a conversão da prisão para preventiva por tempo indeterminado.
  Pagamento irregular custou cargo na diretoria da Casemg
Em 1999, quando ocupava cargo de Diretor Operacional da Companhia de Armazéns e Silos do Estado de Minas Gerais (Casemg) – por influência do reitor da Universidade de Uberaba (Uniube) Marcelo Palmério –, Ricardo Saud acabou se envolvendo em sua primeira polêmica no mundo público.
Ele, junto a toda a diretoria da estatal mineira, foi demitido por conta de pagamentos irregulares antecipados a funcionários do órgão. Uma espécie de 14º salário estava sendo pago a quase 300 funcionários da empresa.
A denúncia custou não apenas o emprego de Saud na companhia, como também complicou as relações entre o então governador Itamar Franco e o secretário de Estado de Agricultura, Raul Belém, outro nome vinculado a Palmério.
Família. A irmã de Ricardo Saud, Vanessa, ocupava cargo na Prefeitura de Uberaba até outubro de 2016, quando foi exonerada. Hoje, ela é presidente do PRB de Uberaba e atua, desde janeiro, como assessora do vereador Alan Carlos (PEN). A reportagem tentou contato com Vanessa no PRB mas, no telefone que consta no site do partido, a pessoa que atendeu disse que não se tratava da agremiação política.
  Vitória petista foi salto na carreira
A vitória de Dilma Rousseff (PT) à Presidência da República em 2010 foi a turbinada final na carreira do “bon vivant” uberabense. Com Wagner Rossi nomeado ministro da Agricultura, Saud foi alçado aos posto de um dos mais próximos assessores do chefe da pasta. Influente e recheado de contatos, se tornou o alvo número um de lobistas do setor agropecuário.
Nestas investidas, ainda durante a campanha de Dilma, conheceu o empresário Joesley Batista, dono do grupo J&F e um dos “campeões nacionais” do governo petista. Saud, logo após a vitória do PT nas urnas, foi convidado a integrar a J&F para, mais uma vez, fazer o que sabe: se relacionar e convencer.
Em 2012, após costurar aliança junto ao atual vice-governador Antônio Andrade (PMDB), Saud retornou a Uberaba para participar da coordenação de campanha de Paulo Piau (PMDB), vitorioso nas urnas e atual prefeito.
Piau e Saud, no entanto, romperam no ano passado. O motivo da separação política foi um suposto atraso em repasses da administração municipal a aliados de Saud. Apesar disso, Piau manteve indicados por Saud em seu secretariado. Piau foi procurado pela reportagem na sexta-feira. Ele não atendeu as ligações para seu celular nem foi encontrado na prefeitura.
A trajetória de um ‘bon vivant’
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